Internal notes: * vsp-internal berlin version number: be_5 / 500 * original location of all input files: 'shared-svn/studies/countries/de/open_berlin_scenario/be_5' * all input files and config parameters are based on the run 'b5_w3a19' (runs-svn/open_berlin_scenario/b5_w3a19) - the input plans used for run 'b5_w3a19' are taken from iteration 200 of run 'b5_51' (shared-svn/studies/countries/de/open_berlin_scenario/be_5/population/b5_51_it.200_10pct.selected_plans.xml.gz) - the input plans file used for run 'b5_51' is the plans file 'shared-svn/studies/countries/de/open_berlin_scenario/be_5/population/be_500_c_10pct.selected_plans_with-freight-as-mode.xml.gz' obtained from the location choice run 'runs-svn/open_berlin_scenario/be_500_c'. File renaming: * berlin-5.0_plans.xml.gz: selected output plans from run b5_w3a19; previous file name: b5_w3a19.output_plans.selected.xml.gz * berlin-5.0_network.xml.gz: previous file name: be_5_network_with-pt-ride-freight.xml.gz * berlin-5.0_config.xml: based on the output config file from run b5_w3a19 (config_b_5_w1.xml) * berlin-5.0_person-attributes.xml.gz: previous file name: personAttributes_500_10pct.xml.gz * berlin-5.0_mode-vehicle-types.xml: previous file name: modeVehicleTypes_500_car_freight.xml * berlin-5.0_transit-schedule.xml.gz: previous file name: transitSchedule_GTFS_631760.xml.gz * berlin-5.0_transit-vehicles.xml.gz: previous file name: transitVehicles_GTFS_631760.xml.gz 2018-07-04: berlin-5.1_10pct_plans.xml.gz: bug fix: population is the same as version 5.0 except that the route information is deleted for main-mode-trips without access and egress walk trips 2018-09-03: berlin-5.2_10pct_plans.xml.gz: bug fix: more realistic routes in initial plans file; selected output plans from run output-berlin-v5.1-10pct_i (berlin-5.1_10pct_plans.xml.gz as input; innovative strategy weight: 0.05; 500 it, fraction of iterations to disable innovative strategies: 0.8