What is new in v5.3: * Some changes in the config file (day-specific mode-related cost parameters for CAR and PT, more plausible teleported mode speeds and beeline distance factors) * The config parameter changes required a recalibration of the model (modal split from SrV, trip distance distribution per mode from SrV, traffic counts from vmz) updated files: --> berlin-v5.3-10pct.config.xml --> berlin-v5.3-10pct.plans.xml.gz Internal notes: 1) b-7: runs-svn/open_berlin_scenario/v5.3-calibration/output_b-7 (input plans: berlin-v5.2-10pct.plans.xml.gz, 500 iterations, calibrating the ride mode) 2) b-10: runs-svn/open_berlin_scenario/v5.3-calibration/output_b-10 (input plans: selected output plans from b-7, 500 iterations, fixed ride mode, coarse calibration of all other modes) 3) b-29: runs-svn/open_berlin_scenario/v5.3-calibration/output_b-29 (input plans: output plans from b-10, 500 iterations, detailed calibration of all other modes) --> selected output plans from run b-29: b-29.output_plans.selected.xml.gz --> renamed to berlin-v5.3-10pct.plans.xml.gz