header: title: Overview description: General overview of the MATSim run. layout: first: - type: csv title: Run Info width: 1.0 dataset: analysis/general/run_info.csv showAllRows: true - type: map title: Simulated traffic volume height: 7.5 width: 2.0 center: - 13.39 - 52.51 zoom: 9.1 display: lineWidth: dataset: traffic columnName: simulated_traffic_volume join: link_id scaleFactor: 20000.0 lineColor: dataset: traffic columnName: simulated_traffic_volume join: link_id colorRamp: reverse: true steps: 5 ramp: RdYlBu fill: {} fillHeight: {} shapes: file: analysis/network/network.geojson join: id datasets: traffic: analysis/traffic/traffic_stats_by_link_daily.csv warnings: - type: text height: 0.1 file: analysis/general/status.md config: - type: xml height: 6.0 width: 2.0 file: '*.output_config.xml' - type: pie title: Mode Share description: at final Iteration dataset: '*.modestats.txt' useLastRow: true ignoreColumns: - Iteration second: - type: line title: Score description: per Iteration dataset: '*.scorestats.txt' x: ITERATION columns: - avg. EXECUTED - avg. WORST - avg. BEST useLastRow: false xAxisName: Iteration yAxisName: Score third: - type: area title: Mode Share Progression description: per Iteration width: 2.0 dataset: '*.modestats.txt' x: Iteration useLastRow: false xAxisName: Iteration yAxisName: Share perf: - type: bar title: Runtime dataset: analysis/general/runtime_stats.csv x: Iteration columns: - seconds useLastRow: false xAxisName: Iteration yAxisName: "Runtime [s]" - type: plotly title: Memory Usage datasets: dataset: file: analysis/general/memory_stats.csv pivot: valuesTo: values namesTo: names exclude: - time traces: - x: $dataset.time "y": $dataset.values orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.names layout: xaxis: title: Time color: '#444' type: '-' barmode: stack yaxis: title: MB color: '#444' type: '-'