header: tab: "Emissions" title: "Spatial and temporal distribution of air pollutants" description: "The calculation is based on HBEFA 4.1. The visualisations show the results in grams per meter (as long links have higher absolute values). By default, the difference to the base case is displayed for CO2. You can configure the width/color to show the absolute scenario values for each visualization individually. You can also change the pollutant type - adjust the scale factor for the width accordingly! For cost rates, see also https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/378/publikationen/uba_methodenkonvention_2.0_-_anhang_b_0.pdf" layout: Base: - type: "links" title: "Basisfall" description: "" width: 2 height: 8 props: #thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: bus.output_network.xml.gz projection: EPSG:31468 center: 13.4010, 52.51892 #center: 4595411, 5821900 zoom: 11 #showDifferences: true #sampleRate: 10 datasets: emissionPerLinkPerM: base/bus.emissionsPerLinkPerM.csv display: color: dataset: emissionPerLinkPerM columnName: CO2_TOTAL [g/m] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: emissionPerLinkPerM columnName: CO2_TOTAL [g/m] scaleFactor: 8 - title: "General results" description: "TODO" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-coach-emissions-base.yaml" Case1: - type: "links" title: "Szenario 1" description: "" width: 2 height: 8 props: #thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: bus.output_network.xml.gz projection: EPSG:31468 center: 13.4010, 52.51892 #center: 4595411, 5821900 zoom: 11 #showDifferences: true #sampleRate: 10 datasets: emissionPerLinkPerM: case1/bus.emissionsPerLinkPerM.csv display: color: dataset: emissionPerLinkPerM columnName: CO2_TOTAL [g/m] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: emissionPerLinkPerM columnName: CO2_TOTAL [g/m] scaleFactor: 8 - title: "General results" description: "TODO" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-coach-emissions-case1.yaml" Case2: - type: "links" title: "Szenario 2" description: "" width: 2 height: 8 props: #thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: bus.output_network.xml.gz projection: EPSG:31468 center: 13.4010, 52.51892 #center: 4595411, 5821900 zoom: 11 #showDifferences: true #sampleRate: 10 datasets: emissionPerLinkPerM: case2/bus.emissionsPerLinkPerM.csv display: color: dataset: emissionPerLinkPerM columnName: CO2_TOTAL [g/m] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: emissionPerLinkPerM columnName: CO2_TOTAL [g/m] scaleFactor: 8 - title: "General results" description: "TODO" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-coach-emissions-case2.yaml"