# Topsheet Test title: General results title_en: Case 2 title_de: Szenario 2 description: 'description' # Input files ------------------------- files: base: file: "base/bus.general_results.csv" useLastRow: true case2: file: "case2/bus.general_results.csv" useLastRow: true # These are text entry boxes in the UI # Calculations ------------------------ # these are evaluated top down! calculations: total_m: '{case2.drivenDistance}' total_km: 'round(total_m/100)/10' parkingSearch_m: '{case2.drivenDistance_parkingSearch}' parkingSearch_km: 'round(parkingSearch_m/100)/10' parkingTotal_m: '{case2.drivenDistance_parkingTotal}' parkingTotal_km: 'round(parkingTotal_m/100)/10' parkingSearch_pct: 'round(parkingSearch_m / total_m *1000)/10' parkingTotal_pct: 'round(parkingTotal_m / total_m *1000)/10' parkingSearchOfParking_pct: 'round(parkingSearch_m / parkingTotal_m *1000)/10' # Table rows outputs: - title_en: Total driven distance [km] title_de: Gefahrene Strecke [km] value: total_km - title_en: Distance parking search [km] title_de: Strecke Parkplatzsuche [km] value: parkingSearch_km - title_en: Share of parking search [%] title_de: Anteil der Parkplatzsuche [%] value: parkingSearch_pct - title_en: Distance parking total [km] title_de: Strecke Parkplatzsuche (gesamt) [km] value: parkingTotal_km - title_en: Share of parking total [%] title_de: Anteil der Parkplatzsuche (gesamt) [%] value: parkingTotal_pct - title_en: Share of parking search while Parking [%] title_de: Anteil der Parkplatzsuche (Parken) [%] value: parkingSearchOfParking_pct