This directory contains the input and output data of the (adapted) Berlin Food Retailing scenario. - with range restriction ("DC") for electric vehicles - without range restriction ("DCoff") for electric vehicles For both, there are several runs, with ICEV (diesel) and BEV (electric)( vehicles available -> The carrier can choose its fleet composition by solving the VehicleRoutingProblem. Additionally, there is a tac on CO2eq added for diesel, which will increase the variable costs per m. This tax goes from 9 ups to 300 (noTax ... Tax300) All runs are solved with setting the maximum number of jsprit iterations to 10 000. The run 21a / 71a is a reference case, where only diesel trucks are available and no additional tax is applied. For further information, please refer to VSPWP 20-12: R. Ewert, K. Martins-Turner, C. Thaller, K. Nagel; Using a route-based and vehicle type specific range constraint for improving vehicle routing problems with electric vehicles and /or VSPWP 19-19: K. Martins-Turner, A. Grahle, K. Nagel, D. Göhlich; Electrification of Urban Freight Transport - a Case Study of the Food Retailing Industry; Procedia Computer Science, Volume 170, 2020, 757-763 KMT: 19.01.2024 For more current studies I suggest to use the network with the correct CRS: see "" And add the following line to