header: tab: General Info title: Superblocks description: General information about modal share and Superblocks. layout: Tiles: - type: 'tile' title: Levels of Superblocks dataset: 'analysis/superblocks/tiles.csv' Map: - type: map title: 'Superblocks' description: 'Superblocks in Berlin by 4 levels' height: 12.0 center: [13.40,52.5214] projection: EPSG:5678 zoom: 10 shapes: file: 'analysis/superblocks/SuperblocksAll.shp' join: id datasets: superblocks: file: 'analysis/superblocks/superblocks.csv' join: id display: fill: dataset: superblocks filters: s_bahn,u_bahn,bus,tram columnName: overall colorRamp: ramp: Plasma steps: 7