description: ' Analysis of anonymous mobile phone data made available by [Senozon]( ' notes: - The data contains no very short trips, because a movement can detected when the device changes the cell tower. - Duration shows the mean duration a person is out of home in hours per day. - Distance Analysis shows the mean traveled distance per person and day. - Mobile Persons shows proportion of persons who leaves homes. - Nighly activities shows out-of-home activities terminated between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. per 1000 population. - Since there were problems with the data collection at the network operator in the period 15-21.06.2021, the data of this week are missing in the evaluations. info: - If the start and end dates are identical, the values for the respective date are displayed. - If you select 2 different dates, the percentage change is displayed. - All given values correspond to a daily average value over the selected period (week, weekdays, weekend). - Further notes at the bottom of the page.