description: ' The following measures each impact the ability of the disease to spread. Try changing some parameters to see how they contribute to the R-Value of the disease. This calculator assumes an activity reduction of 20% in February (this corresponds to the reduction in November). Publication date: Jan. 24th, 2021 ' baseValues: - base: 0.92 additiveGroups: Schools & day care: - [25%, 0.0*, "current 25%"] - [50% & masks, 0.00] - [50%, 0.01] - [100% & masks, 0.06] - [100%, 0.11] Work: - [0%, -0.13] - [ffp masks, -0.10] - [50%, -0.06] - [80%, 0.0*, "current (80%)"] Leisure: - [0%, -0.44] - [50%, -0.25] - [curfew 18, -0.22, "Curfew 18-5"] - [curfew 19, -0.19, "Curfew 19-5"] - [curfew 20, -0.16, "Curfew 20-5"] - [curfew 21, -0.09, "Curfew 21-5"] - [curfew 22, -0.08, "Curfew 22-5"] - [68%, 0.0*, "current (68%)"] optionGroups: Vaccinated: - [2%, 1.0*,"current 2%"] - [10%, 0.904] - [20%, 0.824] - [40%, 0.575] - [60%, 0.367] - [80%, 0.192] - [100%, 0.148] Contact Tracing: - [current, 1.0*, "Current (probability 50%, capacity 200 daily cases, delay 5 days)"] - [75% Prob, 0.99, "Increase probability to 75%"] - [Inf.Cap, 0.99, "Increase capacity to infinity"] - [Decr.Delay, 0.915, "Decrease delay to 3 days"] - [All, 0.83, "All of the above"] notes: - "The runs used for the calculation can be found [here]("