description: ' The following measures each impact the ability of the disease to spread. Try changing some parameters to see how they contribute to the R-Value of the disease. For this R-value calculator, the possible measures are introduced in the simulation on 08.03.2021 and the resulting effect on R is determined 10 days after the introduction of the measures. In addition, the current proportion of the B117 virus mutation is taken into account in the calculations. Publication date: Feb. 24th, 2021 ' baseValues: - base: 1.02 additiveGroups: Schools & day care: - [25%, 0.0*, "Current: School and day care with 25% capacity"] - [50%, 0.02, "Implementation of alternating lessons"] - [100%, 0.12, "Regular opening of schools and day care"] Work: - [0%, -0.12, "All work activities take place in individual offices or home offices"] - [ffp masks, -0.08, "If several people are in the same room at the same time, FFP2 masks are worn there"] - [50%, -0.02, "50% of work activities take place at the workplace"] - [68%, 0.0*, "Current: 68% of work activities take place at the workplace"] - [100%, 0.25, "All work activities take place at the workplace"] Leisure: - [0%, -0.58, "There are no more leisure activities"] - [50%, -0.28, "50% of leisure activities take place"] - [curfew 18, -0.27, "Curfew 18-5"] - [curfew 19, -0.21, "Curfew 19-5"] - [curfew 20, -0.15, "Curfew 20-5"] - [curfew 21, -0.09, "Curfew 21-5"] - [curfew 22, -0.07, "Curfew 22-5"] - [68%, 0.0*, "Current: 68% of leisure activities take place"] - [100%, 0.84, "All leisure activities take place"] optionGroups: Share of vaccinated people: - [4%, 1.0*,"current 4%"] - [14%, 0.93] - [24%, 0.76] - [44%, 0.51] - [64%, 0.30] - [84%, 0.17] - [100%, 0.12] Contact Tracing: - [current, 1.0*, "Current (probability 50%, capacity 200 daily cases, delay 5 days)"] - [75% Prob, 1.0, "Increase probability to 75%"] - [Decr.Delay, 0.98, "Decrease delay to 3 days"] - [Inf.Cap, 0.94, "Increase capacity to infinity"] - [All, 0.79, "All of the above"] notes: - "The activity participation means the percentage of activities still taking place."