description: ' The following measures could each impact the ability of the disease to spread. Try changing some parameters to see how they contribute to the R-Value of the disease.' baseValue: 1.45 optionGroups: Schools: - current: 1.0* - 90% cloth masks: 0.979 - 50% attendance: 0.978 - 90% cloth masks x 50% attendance: 0.975 - 0%: 0.972 Public Transport: - 95% masks: 1.0* #- 90% cloth masks: 0.957* Universities: - 50%: 1.02 - 0%: 1.0* Kindergarten: - current: 1.0* - 50%: 0.999 - 0%: 0.993 Leisure: - current attendance (93%) & no curfew: 1.0* - current attendance & curfew0-6: 0.997 - current attendance (93%) & curfew22-6: 0.952 - current attendance (93%) & curfew20-6: 0.895 - current attendance (93%) & curfew18-6: 0.826 - 50%: 0.85 #0.731 - 0%: 0.77 #0.669 #- indoorSeason: 1.103 #- outdoorSeason: 0.786 Shop: - 90% cloth masks: 1.* - 50% attendance: 0.978 - 0% attendance: 0.964 Work: - current (93%): 1.0* - 75%: 0.941 - 50%: 0.919 - 25%: 0.893 - 0%: 0.876 - FFP2 masks or max 1 person/office: 0.88 Tracing: # - 100% x 1d: 0.565 - 75% & 1d: 0.634 # - 50% x 1d: 0.714 # - 25% x 1d: 0.802 # - 100% x 5d: 0.78 # - 75% x 5d: 0.82 - 50% x 5d (current): 0.86* # - 25% x 5d: 0.9 - only household members: 0.932