description: Explore the risks of situations and behaviors with this tool, based on our understanding of the relative risks of each. calibrationParam: 0.0612 multipliers: Duration of activity: description: Longer exposure increases likelihood of infection options: - 30 minutes: 0.5* - 1 hours: 1 - 2 hours: 2 - 4 hours: 4 - 8 hours: 8 - 12 hours: 12 - 24 hours: 24 - Two days: 48 - Four days: 96 Infected person's behavior: description: Speaking and especially singing magnify risk options: - Not speaking: 1 - Light conversation: 3* - Speaking loudly: 10 - Singing: 30 Infected person wears a mask: description: Reduces chance of virus becoming airborne options: - No: 1* - Yes: 0.5 You wear a mask: description: Reduces chance of ingesting virus options: - No: 1* - Yes: 0.5 divisors: Room size: description: Room size in square meters options: - 20qm: 20 - 25qm: 25* - 50qm: 50 - 75qm: 75 - 100qm: 100 Air exchange: description: How frequently the room air is exchanged. Circulating the air reduces concentration of airborne virus. This can be either via open windows or by mechanical ventilation. options: - Outdoors: 10 - 2x per hour: 2 - 1x per hour: 1 - Every two hours: 0.5* - Infrequent: 0.25 scenarios: Dinner Party: description: 'Personal risk for attending a dinner party with an unknowingly contagious guest' presets: 'Duration of activity': '4 hours' "Infected person's behavior": 'Speaking loudly' 'Infected person wears a mask': 'No' 'You wear a mask': 'No' 'Room size': '20qm' 'Air exchange': 'Every two hours' Sick Housemate: description: 'Living with a contagious roommate for four days' presets: 'Duration of activity': 'Two days' "Infected person's behavior": 'Light conversation' 'Infected person wears a mask': 'No' 'You wear a mask': 'No' 'Room size': '50qm' 'Air exchange': 'Every two hours' notes: - test 1 - test 2 - test 3