header: tab: "Accidents Costs" title_en: "Spatial and temporal distribution of accident costs" title_de: "Räumliche und zeitliche Verteilung von Unfallkosten" description_en: "The given costs are based on cost rates from BVWP. By default, the difference to the base case is displayed. You can also display values for specific time windows. For each visualization individually, you can configure the width/color to show the absolute scenario values." description_de: "Die angegebenen Kosten basieren auf Kostensätzen aus dem BVWP. Standardmäßig wird die Differenz zum Basisfall angezeigt. Sie können sich auch Werte für bestimmte Zeitfenster anzeigen lassen. Für jede Visualisierung können Sie individuell die Breite/Farbe konfigurieren, bspw. um absolute Szenariowerte darzustellen." layout: Reallab2030: - type: "links" title: "Reallab2030" description: "" width: 4 height: 8 props: thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: ../input/baseCase/hamburg-v2.0-network-with-pt-hvvArea.geo.json.gz projection: EPSG:25832 showDifferences: true sampleRate: 1 datasets: csvFile: "../output/reallab2030/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-reallabHH2030.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv.gz" csvBase: ../output/baseCase/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-base.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv.gz display: color: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] scaleFactor: 10000 - title: "Sum of accidents cost" description: "Sum of all road segments in HVV area. Disregards pt" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-reallab2030-accidents.yaml" Reallab2030Plus: - type: "links" title: "Reallab2030Plus" description: "" width: 4 height: 8 props: thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: ../input/baseCase/hamburg-v2.0-network-with-pt-hvvArea.geo.json.gz projection: EPSG:25832 showDifferences: true sampleRate: 1 datasets: csvFile: "../output/reallab2030plus/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-reallabHH2030-plus.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv.gz" csvBase: ../output/baseCase/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-base.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv.gz display: color: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] scaleFactor: 10000 - title: "Sum of accidents cost" description: "Sum of all road segments in HVV area. Disregards pt" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-reallab2030plus-accidents.yaml" DRT2030: - type: "links" title: "DRT2030" description: "The drt vehicles are assumed to have the same cost rates. This leads to an increase of the total accident costs. However, the drt vehicles could generally be operated autonomously and thus have significantly lower accident cost rates, meaning that the costs for this scenario are rather overestimated." width: 4 height: 8 props: thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: ../input/baseCase/hamburg-v2.0-network-with-pt-hvvArea.geo.json.gz projection: EPSG:25832 showDifferences: true sampleRate: 1 datasets: csvFile: "../output/drt2030/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-drt2030.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv" csvBase: ../output/baseCase/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-base.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv.gz display: color: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] scaleFactor: 10000 - title: "Sum of accidents cost" description: "Sum of all road segments in HVV area. Disregards pt" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-drt2030-accidents.yaml" ProKlima2030: - type: "links" title: "ProKlima2030" description: "Major improvements in the inner city area and on highways." width: 4 height: 8 props: thumbnail: "thumbnails/thumbnail-accident-costs.png" network: ../input/baseCase/hamburg-v2.0-network-with-pt-hvvArea.geo.json.gz projection: EPSG:25832 showDifferences: true sampleRate: 1 datasets: csvFile: ../output/proKlima2030/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-proKlima2030.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv csvBase: ../output/baseCase/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-base.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv.gz display: color: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] colorRamp: ramp: Viridis reverse: false steps: 9 width: dataset: csvFile columnName: CostsperYear[EUR] scaleFactor: 10000 - title: "Sum of accidents cost" description: "Sum of all road segments in HVV area. Disregards pt" type: 'topsheet' props: configFile: "topsheet-proKlima2030-accidents.yaml"