# Topsheet Test title: ProKlima2030 accidents cost title_en: ProKlima2030 accidents cost title_de: ProKlima2030 Unfallkosten # Input files ------------------------- files: costTable: file: "../output/proKlima2030/hamburg-v2.2-10pct-proKlima2030.0.accidentCosts_BVWP-hvvArea.csv" # These are text entry boxes in the UI #userEntries: # CO2_cost_rate: # title_en: CO2 cost rate [€/t] # title_de: CO2 Kosten [€/t] # value: 100.0 # Calculations ------------------------ # these are evaluated top down! calculations: costs_day: '{costTable.CostsperDay[EUR]}' costs_year: '{costTable.CostsperYear[EUR]}' relative_change: costs_year / 1567002995 * 100 # Table rows outputs: - title_en: Total daily cost [€] title_de: Gesamtkosten pro Tag[€] value: costs_day - title_en: Total yearly cost [€] title_de: Gesamtkosten pro Jahr[€] value: costs_year - title_en: Relative change to Base2019 [%] title_de: Relative Veränderung zu Base2019 [%] value: relative_change