v3.0 -> Demand recalibrated mode choice with the 25 percent sample! Persons open hamburg model ! New open plans are generated using attributes and coordinates from open plans in shared-svn(v3). Trips (with calibrated mode-choice state) from 2.0 version (not 2.2 because there we only have 10pct) Thus, act coordinates are taken as in the senozon delivery (300m grid) and randomly redistributed; income attribute is calculated based on (new) person attributes provided by senozon: household income / household size. Freight The freight demand is also copied (from v2.0), BVM gave permission for further use. Network is copied from v2.1. This means we use realistic number of lanes, also on short links and only small deductions in free speed vs. reality. Mode-Choice Single Trip + mass conservation penalty, like in v2.2 PT (base case): transit schedule and transit vehicles are copied from v1 (did not change since then). Vehicle Types copied from v2.0