This model version is currently in the build-up phase! Please use v3.0 and/or refer to VSP if you have questions! changes from v3.0 -> v4.0: plans -> - recreated person plans according to the same methodology as for v3.0 but assigned additional attributes. This means, activity coordinates between v3.0 and v4.0 might differ, but lie in the same area (grid zone). - additional attributes include car availability, which is set to "never" for persons under the age of 18 and to "always" for all others. mode choice -> - changed from ChangeSingleTripMode with MassConservationScorePenalty back to (new) SubtourModeChoice with behavior=betweenAllAndFewerConstraints - this means - mass conservation *must* be maintained for closed subtours now - we need fewer iterations (currently) everything else is taken from v3.0