header: title: Air Pollution description: Shows the air pollution and spatial distribution. layout: links: - type: csv title: Air Pollution description: by pollutant. Total values are scaled from the simulation sample size to 100%. width: 1.0 dataset: analysis/emissions/emissions_total.csv enableFilter: false showAllRows: true - type: links title: Emitted Pollutant in Gram per Meter description: Displays the emitted pair pollutants for each link per meter. Be aware that pollutant values are provided in the simulation sample size! height: 12.0 width: 3.0 network: analysis/network/network.geojson datasets: csvFile: analysis/emissions/emissions_per_link_per_m.csv center: - 11.89 - 48.91 display: color: dataset: csvFile columnName: "CO2_TOTAL [g/m]" width: dataset: csvFile columnName: "CO2_TOTAL [g/m]" scaleFactor: 100 second: - type: gridmap title: CO₂ Emissions description: per day. Be aware that CO2 values are provided in the simulation sample size! height: 12.0 zoom: 11.0 center: - 11.89 - 48.91 file: analysis/emissions/emissions_grid_per_day.xyt.csv projection: EPSG:25832 cellSize: 100 opacity: 0.1 maxHeight: 50 colorRamp: fixedColors: - "#1175b3" - "#95c7df" - "#dfdb95" - "#dfb095" - "#f4a986" - "#cc0c27" breakpoints: - 30.0 - 40.0 - 50.0 - 60.0 - 70.0 ##Aus irgendeinem Grund hat die rraeumliche Begrenzung bei der AirPollution Analysis nicht geklappt. Um den RAM nicht zu überlasten, nehme ich den zeitabhaengigen Plot raus. # third: # - type: gridmap # title: CO₂ Emissions # description: per hour. Be aware that CO2 values are provided in the simulation # sample size! # height: 12.0 # zoom: 11.0 # center: # - 48.91265 # - 11.89223 # file: analysis/emissions/emissions_grid_per_hour.csv # projection: EPSG:25832 # cellSize: 100 # opacity: 0.1 # maxHeight: 15 # colorRamp: # fixedColors: # - "#1175b3" # - "#95c7df" # - "#dfdb95" # - "#dfb095" # - "#f4a986" # - "#cc0c27" # breakpoints: # - 30.0 # - 40.0 # - 50.0 # - 60.0 # - 70.0