header: tab: Demand title: Simulation demand compared to real data description: "Only conventional KEXI vehicles are considered" layout: text: - title: "" type: text height: 1 props: file: "zone.md" rides count: # this row has two charts - title: "Simulated demand statistics" description: "only human-driven fleet" type: 'topsheet' width: 1 props: configFile: "topsheet-KEXI-base-demand.yaml" - title: "Real data demand statistics" description: "Data from June '21 until Januar '22" type: 'topsheet' width: 1 props: configFile: "topsheet-KEXI-base-demand-real-data.yaml" # - type: "slideshow" # title: "Real data" # description: "The given request data displays rides from June '21 until Januar '22. Only working days (Tue-Thu, no holidays) are considered. Flip through the images to see different metrics." # width: 2 # height: 11 # props: # slides: # - image: "../../../VIA-Real-Data/boxplot_VIA_KEXI_ridesPerDay.png" # title: "Boxplot of Demand. For 50% of the days, the number of rides was between 110 and 129 with an average of 119 rides" # - image: "../../../VIA-Real-Data/boxplot_VIA_KEXI_travelTime.png" # title: "Boxplot of travel time. This is interpreted as in-vehicle-travel-time. The average is at 503 seconds." # - image: "../../../VIA-Real-Data/boxplot_VIA_KEXI_travelDistance.png" # title: "Boxplot of euclidean distance between origin and destination. The average is 2143 meters." time distribution: - type: "line" title: "Simulated Demand Time Distribution" description: "Requests/Rides over daytime" width: 1 height: 12 props: dataset: "ITERS/it.999/*waitStats_drt.csv" x: "timebin" xAxisName: "Time" yAxisName: "request per half an hour (req*2/h)" usedCol: ["legs"] legendName: ["Ride requests"] - type: "area" title: "Real Demand Time Distribution" description: "Aggregated Number of Rides per 5-Minute interval over the entire time span." width: 1 height: 12 props: dataset: "../../../../VIA-Real-Data/KEXI_202106_202201_rides_daily_VIA.csv" x: "ridesPerIntervals.interval5" spatial distribution simulation: - type: "aggregate" title: "Simulation - Stop OD Flows" description: "This depicts only one day" height: 10 width: 2 props: shpFile: "../../../../VIA-Real-Data/KEXI_Haltestellen_Liste_Kelheim_utm32n_buffer10m.shp" dbfFile: "../../../../VIA-Real-Data/KEXI_Haltestellen_Liste_Kelheim_utm32n_buffer10m.dbf" csvFile: "analysis-stop-2-stop/stop-2-stop-drt.csv" projection: "EPSG:25832" scaleFactor: 1 idColumn: "Id" lineWidth: 500 spatial distribution real: - type: "aggregate" title: "Real Data - Stop OD Flows" description: "This depicts a typical day in october 2021" height: 10 width: 2 props: shpFile: "../../../../VIA-Real-Data/KEXI_Haltestellen_Liste_Kelheim_utm32n_buffer10m.shp" dbfFile: "../../../../VIA-Real-Data/KEXI_Haltestellen_Liste_Kelheim_utm32n_buffer10m.dbf" csvFile: "../../../../VIA-Real-Data/2021-10-12_Via-Origin-drt-count-Analysis-KEXI.csv" projection: "EPSG:25832" scaleFactor: 1 idColumn: "Id" lineWidth: 500