header: tab: Trip Purposes title: Trip purpose analysis description: "A trip purpose is determined by the destination activity type" layout: text: - title: "" type: text height: 1 props: file: "zone.md" comparison: - type: vega width: 1 height: 10 title: "Trip purposes for trips with the conventional KEXI fleet" props: config: "../simwrapper/drt_TripPurposes.json" alltransportmodes: - type: vega width: 1 height: 10 title: "ALL transport modes - transport mode distribution per trip purpose" props: config: "../simwrapper/AllModesPerTripPurpose.json" # alltransportmodesstacked: # - type: vega # width: 1 # height: 14 # title: "All transport modes - trip purpose distribution per transport mode" # props: # config: "AllTripPurposesPerMode.json" # total: # - type: "slideshow" # title: "ALL transport modes - trip purpose distribution per transport mode" # description: "Trip purpose distribution per transport mode. The KEXI conventional service is noted as 'drt'. Flip throught the images to see all the modes." # width: 1 # height: 16 # props: # slides: # - image: "analysis-trip-purposes/car_trip_purposes_stacked.png" # title: "Trip purpose distribution for all car trips" # - image: "analysis-trip-purposes/pt_trip_purposes_stacked.png" # title: "Trip purpose distribution for all pt trips" # - image: "analysis-trip-purposes/bike_trip_purposes_stacked.png" # title: "Trip purpose distribution for all bike trips" # - image: "analysis-trip-purposes/walk_trip_purposes_stacked.png" # title: "Trip purpose distribution for all walk trips" # - image: "analysis-trip-purposes/ride_trip_purposes_stacked.png" # title: "Trip purpose distribution for all ride trips" # - image: "analysis-trip-purposes/drt_trip_purposes_stacked.png" # title: "Trip purpose distribution for all drt trips"