header: title: Trips description: General information about modal share and trip distributions. layout: first: - type: plotly title: Modal split datasets: dataset: file: analysis/population/mode_share.csv constant: source: Simulated aggregate: target: share groupBy: - main_mode func: SUM lausitzmodeshare: file: analysis/resources/lausitz_mode_share.csv constant: source: Reference aggregate: target: share groupBy: - main_mode func: SUM traces: - x: $dataset.share "y": $dataset.source orientation: h type: bar name: $dataset.main_mode layout: barmode: stack mergeDatasets: true - type: plotly title: Trip distance distribution datasets: dataset: file: analysis/population/mode_share.csv aggregate: target: share groupBy: - dist_group func: SUM lausitzmodeshare: file: analysis/resources/lausitz_mode_share.csv aggregate: target: share groupBy: - dist_group func: SUM traces: - x: $dataset.dist_group "y": $dataset.share orientation: v type: bar name: Simulated original_name: Simulated - x: $lausitzmodeshare.dist_group "y": $lausitzmodeshare.share orientation: v type: bar name: Reference original_name: Reference colorRamp: Viridis second: - type: csv title: Mode Statistics description: "by main mode, over whole trip (including access & egress)" dataset: analysis/population/trip_stats.csv showAllRows: true - type: plotly title: Modal distance distribution datasets: dataset: file: analysis/population/mode_share_per_dist.csv constant: source: Sim lausitzmodeshareperdist: file: analysis/resources/lausitz_mode_share_per_dist.csv constant: source: Ref traces: - x: $dataset.dist_group "y": $dataset.share orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.main_mode layout: xaxis: title: Distance group color: '#444' type: '-' barmode: stack yaxis: title: Share color: '#444' type: '-' mergeDatasets: true multiIndex: dist_group: source third: - type: csv title: Population statistics description: over simulated persons (not scaled by sample size) dataset: analysis/population/population_trip_stats.csv showAllRows: true - type: plotly title: Mode usage description: Share of persons using a main mode at least once per day. datasets: dataset: file: analysis/population/mode_users.csv constant: source: sim lausitzmodeusers: file: analysis/resources/lausitz_mode_users.csv constant: source: ref traces: - x: $dataset.main_mode "y": $dataset.user orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.main_mode width: 2.0 mergeDatasets: true multiIndex: main_mode: source departures: - type: plotly title: Departures description: by hour and purpose datasets: dataset: analysis/population/trip_purposes_by_hour.csv traces: - x: $dataset.h "y": $dataset.departure orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.purpose colorRamp: Spectral layout: xaxis: title: Hour color: '#444' type: '-' barmode: stack yaxis: title: Share color: '#444' type: '-' arrivals: - type: plotly title: Arrivals description: by hour and purpose datasets: dataset: analysis/population/trip_purposes_by_hour.csv traces: - x: $dataset.h "y": $dataset.arrival orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.purpose colorRamp: Spectral layout: xaxis: title: Hour color: '#444' type: '-' barmode: stack yaxis: title: Share color: '#444' type: '-'