header: title: Noise description: Shows the noise footprint and spatial distribution. layout: stats: - type: tile height: 0.1 dataset: analysis/noise-noise/noise_stats.csv emissions: - type: map title: Noise Emissions (Link) description: "Maximum Noise Level per day [dB]" height: 12.0 center: - 14.5 - 51.53 zoom: 6.8 display: lineWidth: dataset: noise columnName: value join: Link Id scaleFactor: 8.0 lineColor: dataset: noise columnName: value join: Link Id colorRamp: steps: 8 breakpoints: "35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95" reverse: false ramp: Oranges fill: {} fillHeight: {} radius: {} minValue: 40.0 maxValue: 80.0 shapes: file: analysis/network-noise/network.avro join: id datasets: noise: analysis/noise-noise/emission_per_day.csv imissions: - type: gridmap title: Noise Immissions (Grid) description: Total Noise Immissions per day height: 12.0 zoom: 6.8 center: - 14.5 - 51.53 file: analysis/noise-noise/immission_per_day.avro projection: EPSG:25832 cellSize: 100 opacity: 0.1 maxHeight: 15 colorRamp: fixedColors: - "#1175b3" - "#95c7df" - "#dfdb95" - "#dfb095" - "#f4a986" - "#cc0c27" breakpoints: - 30.0 - 40.0 - 50.0 - 60.0 - 70.0 - type: gridmap title: Hourly Noise Immissions (Grid) description: Noise Immissions per hour height: 12.0 zoom: 6.8 center: - 14.5 - 51.53 file: analysis/noise-noise/immission_per_hour.avro projection: EPSG:25832 cellSize: 100 opacity: 0.1 maxHeight: 15 colorRamp: fixedColors: - "#1175b3" - "#95c7df" - "#dfdb95" - "#dfb095" - "#f4a986" - "#cc0c27" breakpoints: - 30.0 - 40.0 - 50.0 - 60.0 - 70.0 damages: - type: gridmap title: Daily Noise Damages (Grid) description: "Total Noise Damages per day [€]" height: 12.0 zoom: 6.8 center: - 14.5 - 51.53 file: analysis/noise-noise/damages_receiverPoint_per_day.avro projection: EPSG:25832 cellSize: 100 opacity: 0.1 maxHeight: 15 colorRamp: fixedColors: - "#1175b3" - "#95c7df" - "#dfdb95" - "#dfb095" - "#f4a986" - "#cc0c27" breakpoints: - 30.0 - 40.0 - 50.0 - 60.0 - 70.0 - type: gridmap title: Hourly Noise Damages (Grid) description: "Noise Damages per hour [€]" height: 12.0 zoom: 6.8 center: - 14.5 - 51.53 file: analysis/noise-noise/damages_receiverPoint_per_hour.avro projection: EPSG:25832 cellSize: 100 opacity: 0.1 maxHeight: 15 colorRamp: fixedColors: - "#1175b3" - "#95c7df" - "#dfdb95" - "#dfb095" - "#f4a986" - "#cc0c27" breakpoints: - 30.0 - 40.0 - 50.0 - 60.0 - 70.0