header: tab: "Modal Shift" title: "Modal Shift Analysis" description: "Region = Leipzig and surroundings, City = city of Leipzig, Carfree Area = carfree-area" layout: sankeys_one: - type: "sankey" title: "(A) Modal Shift of region residents" height: 10 props: csv: "analysis/analysis-R/sankey.shift.region.csv" - type: "sankey" title: "(B) Modal Shift of city residents" height: 10 props: csv: "analysis/analysis-R/sankey.shift.city.csv" # sankeys_three: # - type: "sankey" # title: "(C) Modal Shift of carfree area residents" # height: 10 # props: # csv: "analysis/analysis-R/sankey.shift.carfree.area.csv"