# SIMWRAPPER-CONFIG.YAML -------------------------- # Place this file in a run folder or in a ".simwrapper" folder for project-wide # settings that will be propagated to ALL SUBFOLDERS. # Useful for defining project-wide layout and configuration # ###################################################################################### # GENERAL SETTINGS # Show or completely hide the left-side navigation bar and (restore button too!) # This will be -ignored- if you define your own leftNavBar below hideLeftBar: true # Show/hide the folder name and breadcrumbs at the top of each dashboard hideBreadcrumbs: true # Show/hide the "Files" section from the right-side dashboard section selector hideFiles: true # Expand dashboards to full width of window; false: center in window instead fullWidth: true # WIP: Force light/dark theme (currently broken) # This will be honored initially but user can override it if they really want to theme: light # Custom CSS which affects entire site. # Generally, use style tags below if possible, instead of custom CSS. # css: custom.css # Custom header -- discouraged. Use "topNavBar" below instead. DE/EN optional # header: header.md # header_en: header.md # header_de: header.md # Custom footer markdown. Shown on NON-fullscreen dashboards. DE/EN optional footer: footer.md # footer_en: footer.md # footer_de: footer.md # ##################################################################################### # LEFT SIDE leftNavBar # # - If leftNavBar is defined, it REPLACES regular SimWrapper left panel. # - leftNavBar can have three sections: "top", "middle", "bottom" # - top is generally for a logo # - middle is the main panel area; # - bottom is pushed to the bottom of the window) # # - Each element should have "text", optional "url" link, and optional "style". # # - Most elements can include an optional "style:" section for CSS overrides. # Use any regular CSS in camelCase, e.g. "fontWeight: bold" or "marginBottom: 4px" # # - Highlighting: if the URL specified in an element is a substring of the # **current page URL being viewed**, then the element will be highlighted in the UI. # This can be used to identify which scenario is being shown, for example. # (might make this optional later, feedback welcome) # leftNavBar: # top section logo not needed if you already have a logo in the TopNavBar top: - url: base-case image: "https://svn.vsp.tu-berlin.de/repos/public-svn/matsim/scenarios/countries/de/leipzig/projects/logos/Leipzig.png" style: backgroundColor: white padding: "4px 4px 0 1rem" maxHeight: "3.5rem" # middle section is the main panel area middle: # section:true makes it bold and have extra spacing - section: true text: "Scenarios" - text: Status Quo url: base-case style: marginBottom: 4px - text: DRT Outskirts url: drt-outskirts - text: DRT Entire City url: drt-whole-city style: marginBottom: 4px - text: Slow Speed (Absolute) url: slow-speed-absolute - text: Slow Speed (Relative) url: slow-speed-relative style: marginBottom: 4px # - text: Carfree Large Area # url: carfree-area-90 # # - text: Carfree Medium Area # url: carfree-area-95 # # - text: Carfree Small Area # url: carfree-area-99 # style: # marginBottom: 4px # bottom section is snapped to the bottom of the window bottom: - section: true text_en: "Project Links" text_de: "Projekt Linken" - text: Impressum url: https://vsp.berlin/impressum/ # ###################################################################################### # TOP NAV BAR topNavBar # # If topNavBar is defined, a navigation strip across the top of the website is built. # # topNavBar can have "style", "logo", "left", and "right" sections defined (all optional) # - style sets the background etc for the nav bar # - logo is always upper-left. Use "maxHeight" in style section to set its size # - left and right sections contain navigation text/urls and possibly dropdowns. # # Most elements can include an optional "style:" section for CSS overrides. # Use any regular CSS in camelCase, e.g. "fontWeight: bold" or "marginBottom: 4px" # #topNavBar: # style: # backgroundColor: '#333faa' # hex codes or CSS color names allowed # # backgroundImage: "linear-gradient(to right, #F8A82D, #B01515)" # # Text color is chosen for plain backgroundColors automatically; force light/dark text here: # # useDarkText: true # # # Optional logo will always be shown in the upper-left "brand" area # logo: # image: "https://svn.vsp.tu-berlin.de/repos/public-svn/matsim/scenarios/countries/de/leipzig/projects/logos/Leipzig.png" # url: /leipzig/projects/namav/base-case # style: # backgroundColor: white # padding: "2px 4px" # maxHeight: "3.25rem" # # # Left section is left-justified next to the optional logo. # # Each element should have "text", optional "url" link, optional "style". # # Each element can also have "dropdown:" array of dropdown text/url items # left: # # - text: "NaMAV Project" # url: ./base-case # style: # fontWeight: bold # fontFamily: "Roboto Slab" # fontSize: 16px # # # Right section is right-justified to edge of window # # Each element should have "text", optional "url" link, optional "style". # # Each element can also have "dropdown:" array of dropdown text/url items # right: # # - text: "Status Quo" # url: ./base-case # # - text: "Demand-responsive transport" # dropdown: # - text: DRT Outskirts # url: ./drt-outskirts # - text: DRT Entire city # url: ./drt-whole-city # # - text: "Slow speed area" # dropdown: # - text: Slow (Absolute) # url: ./slow-speed-absolute # - text: Slow (Relative) # url: ./slow-speed-relative # # - text: "Car-free area" # dropdown: # - text: Large # url: ./carfree-area-90 # # - text: Medium # url: ./carfree-area-medium # # - text: Small # url: ./carfree-area-small # # - text: 95 # url: ./carfree-area-95 # # - text: 99 # url: ./carfree-area-99