header: title: Traffic Counts description: |- This dashboard compares daily traffic count values from real world count stations with hourly values from the simulation. This will be fixed in future versions. Comparison of observed and simulated daily traffic volumes. Error metrics: major under: < 0.60; under: 0.60 - 0.80; ok: 0.80 - 1.20; over: 1.20 - 1.40; major over: > 1.40 layout: overview: - type: plotly title: Count estimation quality description: over all count stations datasets: dataset: file: analysis/traffic/count_comparison_quality.csv constant: source: "" aggregate: func: SUM target: "n" groupBy: - quality traces: - x: $dataset.n "y": $dataset.source orientation: h type: bar name: $dataset.quality colorRamp: RdYlBu layout: xaxis: title: Number color: '#444' type: '-' barmode: stack - type: plotly title: Count estimation quality description: by road type datasets: dataset: analysis/traffic/count_comparison_quality.csv traces: - x: $dataset.road_type "y": $dataset.share orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.quality colorRamp: RdYlBu layout: barmode: stack yaxis: title: Share color: '#444' type: '-' scatter: - type: plotly title: Traffic volumes by hour description: simulated vs. observed datasets: dataset: analysis/traffic/count_comparison_by_hour.csv traces: - fill: none "y": $dataset.simulated_traffic_volume x: $dataset.observed_traffic_volume mode: markers whiskerwidth: 0.0 type: scatter name: $dataset.hour text: $dataset.name layout: xaxis: title: Observed traffic count color: '#444' type: '-' yaxis: title: Simulated traffic count color: '#444' type: '-' height: 8.0 fixedRatio: true interactive: slider - type: plotly title: Daily traffic volumes description: simulated vs. observed datasets: dataset: analysis/traffic/count_comparison_daily.csv traces: - fill: none "y": $dataset.simulated_traffic_volume x: $dataset.observed_traffic_volume mode: markers whiskerwidth: 0.0 type: scatter name: $dataset.road_type text: $dataset.name layout: xaxis: title: Observed traffic count color: '#444' type: '-' yaxis: title: Simulated traffic count color: '#444' type: '-' height: 8.0 fixedRatio: true map: - type: map title: Relative traffic volumes height: 8.0 center: - -99.13 - 19.43 zoom: 9.1 display: lineWidth: dataset: '@8' lineColor: dataset: counts columnName: quality join: link_id colorRamp: ramp: RdYlBu steps: 5 reverse: false fill: {} fillHeight: {} radius: {} shapes: join: id file: analysis/network/network.geojson datasets: counts: analysis/traffic/count_comparison_daily.csv - type: plotly title: Avg. error / bias datasets: dataset: analysis/traffic/count_error_by_hour.csv traces: - fill: none "y": $dataset.mean_rel_error x: $dataset.hour mode: lines whiskerwidth: 0.0 type: scatter name: Mean rel. error original_name: Mean rel. error - fill: none "y": $dataset.mean_abs_error x: $dataset.hour mode: lines yaxis: y2 whiskerwidth: 0.0 type: scatter name: Mean abs. error original_name: Mean abs. error - fill: none "y": $dataset.mean_bias x: $dataset.hour mode: lines yaxis: y2 whiskerwidth: 0.0 type: scatter name: Mean bias original_name: Mean bias layout: xaxis: title: Hour color: '#444' type: '-' yaxis2: title: "Mean (abs.) error [veh/h]" color: '#444' type: '-' side: right overlaying: "y" yaxis: title: "Mean rel. error [%]" color: '#444' type: '-' details: - type: plotly title: Count stations description: hourly comparison datasets: dataset: analysis/traffic/count_comparison_by_hour.csv traces: - x: $dataset.hour "y": $dataset.simulated_traffic_volume orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.name original_name: Simulated - x: $dataset.hour "y": $dataset.observed_traffic_volume orientation: v type: bar name: $dataset.name original_name: Observed interactive: dropdown