SAMPLE_SPEC: trip_destination_sample.csv SPEC: trip_destination.csv COEFFICIENTS: trip_destination_coefficients.csv SAMPLE_SIZE: 30 DESTINATION_SAMPLE_SPEC: trip_destination_sample.csv DESTINATION_SPEC: trip_destination.csv LOGSUM_SETTINGS: trip_mode_choice.yaml # optional (comment out if not desired) DEST_CHOICE_LOGSUM_COLUMN_NAME: destination_logsum # comment out DEST_CHOICE_LOGSUM_COLUMN_NAME if saved alt logsum table DEST_CHOICE_SAMPLE_TABLE_NAME: trip_destination_sample # model-specific logsum-related settings TRIP_ORIGIN: origin ALT_DEST_COL_NAME: dest_taz PRIMARY_DEST: destination # tour_mode is already in trips table, so we don't need it from tours # (it is assigned in trip_destination_annotate_trips_preprocessor ) REDUNDANT_TOURS_MERGED_CHOOSER_COLUMNS: - tour_mode CONSTANTS: max_walk_distance: 3 max_bike_distance: 8 preprocessor: SPEC: trip_destination_annotate_trips_preprocessor DF: trips TABLES: - tours - persons # drop failed trips and cleanup failed trip leg_mates for consistency # (i.e. adjust trip_count, trip_num, first for missing failed trips) CLEANUP: False # this setting is used by testing code to force failed trip_destination # fail_some_trips_for_testing: False