SAMPLE_SIZE: 30 SIMULATE_CHOOSER_COLUMNS: - home_zone_id - school_segment - household_id # model-specific logsum-related settings CHOOSER_ORIG_COL_NAME: home_zone_id ALT_DEST_COL_NAME: alt_dest IN_PERIOD: 14 OUT_PERIOD: 8 DEST_CHOICE_COLUMN_NAME: school_zone_id # comment out DEST_CHOICE_LOGSUM_COLUMN_NAME if not desired in persons table DEST_CHOICE_LOGSUM_COLUMN_NAME: school_location_logsum # comment out DEST_CHOICE_LOGSUM_COLUMN_NAME if saved alt logsum table DEST_CHOICE_SAMPLE_TABLE_NAME: school_location_sample SAMPLE_SPEC: school_location_sample.csv SPEC: school_location.csv COEFFICIENTS: school_location_coefficients.csv LOGSUM_SETTINGS: tour_mode_choice.yaml LOGSUM_PREPROCESSOR: nontour_preprocessor LOGSUM_TOUR_PURPOSE: university: univ highschool: school gradeschool: school annotate_persons: SPEC: annotate_persons_school DF: persons # - shadow pricing # required by initialize_households when creating school_destination_size table CHOOSER_TABLE_NAME: persons # size_terms model_selector MODEL_SELECTOR: school # chooser column with segment_id for this segment type CHOOSER_SEGMENT_COLUMN_NAME: school_segment # boolean column to filter choosers (True means keep) CHOOSER_FILTER_COLUMN_NAME: is_student # FIXME - these are assigned to persons in annotate_persons. we need a better way to manage this SEGMENT_IDS: university: 3 # SCHOOL_SEGMENT_UNIV highschool: 2 # SCHOOL_SEGMENT_HIGH gradeschool: 1 # SCHOOL_SEGMENT_GRADE # model adds these tables (informational - not added if commented out) SHADOW_PRICE_TABLE: school_shadow_prices MODELED_SIZE_TABLE: school_modeled_size # not loaded if commented out SAVED_SHADOW_PRICE_TABLE_NAME: school_shadow_prices.csv