shadow_pricing_models: school: school_location workplace: workplace_location # global switch to enable/disable loading of saved shadow prices # (ignored if global use_shadow_pricing switch is False) LOAD_SAVED_SHADOW_PRICES: True # number of shadow price iterations for cold start MAX_ITERATIONS: 10 # number of shadow price iterations for warm start (after loading saved shadow_prices) MAX_ITERATIONS_SAVED: 1 # ignore criteria for zones smaller than size_threshold SIZE_THRESHOLD: 10 # zone passes if modeled is within percent_tolerance of predicted_size PERCENT_TOLERANCE: 5 # max percentage of zones allowed to fail FAIL_THRESHOLD: 10 # CTRAMP or daysim SHADOW_PRICE_METHOD: ctramp #SHADOW_PRICE_METHOD: daysim # ctramp-style shadow_pricing_method parameters DAMPING_FACTOR: 1 # daysim-style shadow_pricing_method parameters # FIXME should these be the same as PERCENT_TOLERANCE and FAIL_THRESHOLD above? DAYSIM_ABSOLUTE_TOLERANCE: 50 DAYSIM_PERCENT_TOLERANCE: 10