# trip_mode_choice.yaml SPEC: trip_mode_choice.csv COEFFICIENTS: trip_mode_choice_coefficients.csv COEFFICIENT_TEMPLATE: trip_mode_choice_coefficients_template.csv LOGIT_TYPE: NL NESTS: name: root coefficient: coef_nest_root alternatives: - name: AUTO coefficient: coef_nest_AUTO alternatives: - name: DRIVEALONE coefficient: coef_nest_AUTO_DRIVEALONE alternatives: - DRIVEALONEFREE - DRIVEALONEPAY - name: SHAREDRIDE2 coefficient: coef_nest_AUTO_SHAREDRIDE2 alternatives: - SHARED2FREE - SHARED2PAY - name: SHAREDRIDE3 coefficient: coef_nest_AUTO_SHAREDRIDE3 alternatives: - SHARED3FREE - SHARED3PAY - name: NONMOTORIZED coefficient: coef_nest_NONMOTORIZED alternatives: - WALK - BIKE - name: TRANSIT coefficient: coef_nest_TRANSIT alternatives: - name: WALKACCESS coefficient: coef_nest_TRANSIT_WALKACCESS alternatives: - WALK_LOC - WALK_LRF - WALK_EXP - WALK_HVY - WALK_COM - name: DRIVEACCESS coefficient: coef_nest_TRANSIT_DRIVEACCESS alternatives: - DRIVE_LOC - DRIVE_LRF - DRIVE_EXP - DRIVE_HVY - DRIVE_COM - name: RIDEHAIL coefficient: coef_nest_RIDEHAIL alternatives: - TAXI - TNC_SINGLE - TNC_SHARED CONSTANTS: orig_col_name: origin dest_col_name: destination costPerMile: 18.29 costShareSr2: 1.75 costShareSr3: 2.50 waitThresh: 10.00 walkThresh: 1.00 shortWalk: 0.333 longWalk: 0.667 walkSpeed: 3.00 bikeThresh: 6.00 bikeSpeed: 12.00 # maxCbdAreaTypeThresh: 2 # indivTour: 1.00000 # upperEA: 5 # upperAM: 10 # upperMD: 15 # upperPM: 19 I_MODE_MAP: DRIVEALONEFREE: 1 DRIVEALONEPAY: 2 SHARED2FREE: 3 SHARED2PAY: 4 SHARED3FREE: 5 SHARED3PAY: 6 WALK: 7 BIKE: 8 WALK_LOC: 9 WALK_LRF: 10 WALK_EXP: 11 WALK_HVY: 12 WALK_COM: 13 DRIVE_LOC: 14 DRIVE_LRF: 15 DRIVE_EXP: 16 DRIVE_HVY: 17 DRIVE_COM: 18 TAXI: 19 TNC_SINGLE: 20 TNC_SHARED: 21 I_SOV_MODES: [1, 2] I_SR2_MODES: [3, 4] I_SR3P_MODES: [5, 6] I_AUTO_MODES: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] I_WALK_MODE: 7 I_BIKE_MODE: 8 I_WALK_TRANSIT_MODES: [9, 10, 11, 12, 13] I_DRIVE_TRANSIT_MODES: [14, 15, 16, 17, 18] I_RIDE_HAIL_MODES: [19, 20, 21] # RIDEHAIL Settings Taxi_baseFare: 2.20 Taxi_costPerMile: 2.30 Taxi_costPerMinute: 0.10 Taxi_waitTime_mean: 1: 5.5 2: 9.5 3: 13.3 4: 17.3 5: 26.5 Taxi_waitTime_sd: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 TNC_single_baseFare: 2.20 TNC_single_costPerMile: 1.33 TNC_single_costPerMinute: 0.24 TNC_single_costMinimum: 7.20 TNC_single_waitTime_mean: 1: 3.0 2: 6.3 3: 8.4 4: 8.5 5: 10.3 TNC_single_waitTime_sd: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 TNC_shared_baseFare: 2.20 TNC_shared_costPerMile: 0.53 TNC_shared_costPerMinute: 0.10 TNC_shared_costMinimum: 3.00 TNC_shared_IVTFactor: 1.5 TNC_shared_waitTime_mean: 1: 5.0 2: 8.0 3: 11.0 4: 15.0 5: 15.0 TNC_shared_waitTime_sd: 1: 0 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 min_waitTime: 0 max_waitTime: 50 ivt_cost_multiplier: 0.6 topology_bike_multiplier: 20 topology_trn_multiplier: 2.20 topology_walk_multiplier: 15 ridehail_wait_time_multiplier: 1.5 walktimelong_multiplier: 5 biketimelong_multiplier: 5 xfers_wlk_multiplier: 5 xfers_drv_multiplier: 15 dacc_ratio_multiplier: 0 density_index_multiplier: -5 origin_density_index_multiplier: -15 origin_density_index_max: -15 ivt_com_multiplier: 0.80 ivt_exp_multiplier: -0.0175 ivt_hvy_multiplier: 0.80 # so far, we can use the same spec as for non-joint tours preprocessor: SPEC: trip_mode_choice_annotate_trips_preprocessor DF: df TABLES: - land_use - tours # - SPEC: trip_mode_choice_annotate_trips_preprocessor2 # DF: df # TABLES: # - land_use # to reduce memory needs filter chooser table to these fields TOURS_MERGED_CHOOSER_COLUMNS: - hhsize - age - auto_ownership - number_of_participants - tour_category - parent_tour_id - tour_mode - duration - value_of_time - tour_type - free_parking_at_work MODE_CHOICE_LOGSUM_COLUMN_NAME: mode_choice_logsum