title: "Total Volume Diff 101/280 2025 Base to Project 1 (HOV3+ Lane-add, 18th to 3rd with transit) with extra highway assignment" description: Difference, Daily volumes zoom: 13.2 center: [-122.39, 37.77] shapes: file: ../shapefiles/freeflow.geojson join: AB keep: AB,FT,MTYPE,STREETNAME datasets: base: ../s00_2025_Baseline/extraHwyAssign/daily_vols.dbf build: ../s04_2025_Project1_18th_to_3rd_transit/extraHwyAssign/daily_vols.dbf display: lineColor: diff: build - base columnName: DAILY_TOT join: AB colorRamp: ramp: RdBu # reverse: true steps: 9 breakpoints: -1000, -500, -100, -10, 10, 100, 500, 1000 lineWidth: diff: build - base columnName: DAILY_TOT join: AB scaleFactor: 100 filters: shapes.FT!: 6 shapes.MTYPE: "SF" tooltip: - shapes.STREETNAME - base.DAILY_TOT - build.DAILY_TOT