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Main program

Finally all the above functionality needs to be put together. This can be done as follows:

typedef double Time ;
Time globalTime = -1 ; // global definition of a time; see text
class Link ; // forward declaration
class Node {
class Link {
} ;
class Veh {
} ;
class SimWorld {
    void simulate() { // see later
} ;
int main () {
    // network construction as discussed earlier

    // build the links:
    for ( SimWorld::Links::iterator ll =simWorld.links.begin(); 
                                  ++ll ) {
        Link* link = ll->second ;
        link->build() ;

    // insert some vehicles as explained above

    // time iteration:
    for ( globalTime=simStartTime; globalTime<99999; globalTime++ ) {
        bool done = false ;
        simWorld.simulate( done ) ;
        if ( done ) break ;
    return 0;
and finally


The above code fragment also contains a provision for visualizer output, to be used in the next chapter.

Note the time is defined globally as globalTime. There are better ways to do this; this is, as always in this text, left to the experts.
