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Subset of trips file

You want the router to compute new routes only for 10% of the travelers. For this, you need to generate a random sample of the trips file. Do the following:

Write the trips file header.

For each traveler in the trips file, decide if that traveler should be re-planned. If yes, write the trip line into the new file.

Awk is a good language for parsing line-oriented files, which is why we introduce it here.

    # print header line of trips file
    print "ID" , "DEPTLINK" , "ARRLINK" , "TIME", "NOTES" ;
    # Skip header line and comments:
    if ( $1 == "#" || $1 == "ID" ) { next; }

    # w/ proba 10%, write out the line again:
    if ( rand() < 0.1 ) {
        print $0 ;

If the above is called SelectTrips.awk, then is is called via

gawk -f SelectTrips.awk < 0.trips > 1.trips
The code consists of three parts:

An optional ``BEGIN'' block. This is executed before anything is read.

A block without special identifier. For every line out of, this block is executed.

An optional ``END'' block. This is executed just before the program is exited.

See ``man awk'' for more information.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you use different random seeds every time you call this module, otherwise the same 10% travelers get replanned over and over again.

In awk, ``rand()'' returns a random number. See ``man awk''.

Task 13.1   Generate a set of 10% randomly selected trips. Use

as input.

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