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C. L. Barrett, R. Jacob, and M. V. Marathe.
Formal language constrained path problems.
Los Alamos Unclassified Report (LA-UR) 98-1739, Los Alamos National Laboratory, see, 1997.

R. J. Beckman, K. A. Baggerly, and M. D. McKay.
Creating synthetic base-line populations.
Transportion Research Part A - Policy and Practice, 30(6):-429, 1996.

J.A. Bottom.
Consistent anticipatory route guidance.
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2000.

J. L. Bowman.
The day activity schedule approach to travel demand analysis.
PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 1998.

Bundesamt für Strassen.
Automatische Strassenverkehrszählung 1999.
Bern, Switzerland, 2000.

N. Cetin and K. Nagel, in preparation.

J. Esser and K. Nagel.
Iterative demand generation for transportation simulations.
In D. Hensher and J. King, editors, The Leading Edge of Travel Behavior Research, pages 659-681. Pergamon, 2001.

C. Gawron.
An iterative algorithm to determine the dynamic user equilibrium in a traffic simulation model.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 9(3):-407, 1998.

Chr. Gloor.
Modelling of autonomous agents in a realistic road network (in German).
Diplomarbeit, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, 2001.

R. R. Jacob, M. V. Marathe, and K. Nagel.
A computational study of routing algorithms for realistic transportation networks.
ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithms, 4(1999es, Article No. 6), 1999.

David E. Kaufman, Karl E. Wunderlich, and Robert L. Smith.
An iterative routing/assignment method for anticipatory real-time route guidance.
Technical Report IVHS Technical Report 91-02, University of Michigan Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, Ann Arbor MI 48109, May 1991.

H.S. Mahmassani, T. Hu, and R. Jayakrishnan.
Dynamic traffic assignment and simulation for advanced network informatics (DYNASMART).
In N.H. Gartner and G. Improta, editors, Urban traffic networks: Dynamic flow modeling and control. Springer, Berlin/New York, 1995.

K. Nagel.
High-speed microsimulations of traffic flow.
PhD thesis, University of Cologne, 1994/95.

K. Nagel and M. Rickert.
Parallel implementation of the TRANSIMS micro-simulation.
Parallel Computing, 27(12):-1639, 2001.

B. Raney and K. Nagel.
Iterative route planning for modular transportation simulation.
In Swiss Transport Research Conference, Monte Verita, Switzerland, March 2002.

B. Raney, A. Voellmy, N. Cetin, M. Vrtic, and K. Nagel.
Towards a microscopic traffic simulation of all of Switzerland.
In P.M.A. Sloot, C.J.K. Tan, J.J. Dongarra, and A.G. Hoekstra, editors, Computational Science - ICCS 2002, Part I, number 2329 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 371-380. Springer, Heidelberg, Amsterdam, 2002.

M. Rickert.
Traffic simulation on distributed memory computers.
PhD thesis, University of Cologne, Germany, 1998.

M. Rickert and K. Nagel.
Dynamic traffic assignment on parallel computers in TRANSIMS.
Future generation computer systems, 17(5):-648, 2001.

T. Schwerdtfeger.
Makroskopisches Simulationsmodell für Schnellstraßennetze mit Berücksichtigung von Einzelfahrzeugen (DYNEMO).
PhD thesis, University of Karsruhe, Germany, 1987.

K.M. Vaughn, P. Speckman, and E.I. Pas.
Generating household activity-travel patterns (HATPs) for synthetic populations, 1997.

A. Voellmy, M. Vrtic, B. Raney, K. Axhausen, and K. Nagel.
Status of a TRANSIMS implementation for Switzerland.
Networks and Spatial Economics, forthcoming.

M. Vrtic.
Dynamische Umlegung des Strassenverkehrs.
IVT Seminar, ETH Zürich, December 2001.

Kai Nagel 2002-05-31