version: 1 header: tab: Topsheet title: SFCTA Topsheet description: "Some example metrics that people find generally useful." layout: row0: - title: "Trips by Time of Day and Purpose" description: "Hourly summary" type: "bar" props: dataset: ".dashboard/trips-tod-wide.csv" x: "deptm" columns: ['Escort','Pers.Bus','Shop','Meal','Social','Change Mode','Work','School','Home/None'] yAxisTitle: "Trips" stacked: true trips: - title: "Trip Destinations" description: "All day" type: "map" width: 1 height: 10 props: boundaries: "../../shapefiles/TAZ/sftaz.geojson" boundariesJoinCol: 'TAZ' boundariesLabels: 'SFTAZ' dataset: ".dashboard/trip-destinations.csv" datasetJoinCol: "dtaz" datasetValue: 'tour_id' exponentColors: true - title: "Zero-Car Households" description: "Absolute number of 0-car households" type: "map" width: 1 height: 8 props: boundaries: "../../shapefiles/TAZ/sftaz.geojson" boundariesJoinCol: 'TAZ' boundariesLabels: 'SFTAZ' dataset: ".dashboard/hh-by-autos-taz.csv" datasetJoinCol: 'hhtaz' datasetValue: '0' TLF: - title: "Trip Length Frequency" type: "bar" props: dataset: ".dashboard/trips-tlf.csv" x: "dist_bin" #xAxisTitle: 'Value of Time' columns: ['tour_id'] yAxisTitle: 'Number of households' legendTitles: ['Households'] - title: "Auto Ownership" description: "Households by Auto Ownership" type: "bar" props: dataset: ".dashboard/hh-by-autoownership.csv" x: "hhvehs" columns: ['hhincome'] xAxisTitle: "Number of vehicles" yAxisTitle: "Households" legendTitles: ["Number of Vehicles"] # row2: # - title: "Trip Origin/Destination Flows" # description: "Major flows shown" # type: "flowmap" # height: 10 # props: # boundaries: "../../shapefiles/TAZ/sftaz.geojson" # boundariesJoinCol: 'TAZ' # boundariesLabels: 'SFTAZ' # dataset: ".dashboard/trip-od-flows.csv" # origin: 'otaz' # destination: 'dtaz' # flow: 'count' #d # - title: "Households by Value of Time" # description: 'in dollars' # type: "bar" # props: # dataset: ".dashboard/vot.csv" # x: "vot_bin" # #xAxisTitle: 'Value of Time' # columns: ['household_id'] # yAxisTitle: 'Number of households' # legendTitles: ['Households'] # # - title: "CDAP Activities by Person Type" # type: "bar" # props: # dataset: ".dashboard/cdap.csv" # x: "ptypename" # columns: ['Stay at Home','Mandatory','Non-mandatory'] # stacked: true # yAxisTitle: "Activities"