# Topsheet Test title: Kelheim KEXI conventional Fleet # Input files ------------------------- files: # kexi_customers: # file: "*customer_stats_drt.csv" # useLastRow: true conventional_vehicles: file: "*drt_vehicle_stats_drt.csv" useLastRow: true stops: file: "av-stops-Hohenpfahl-DP-AS.xml" xmlElements: 'transitSchedule.transitStops.stopFacility' drtVehicles: file: "*drt_vehicles.xml.gz" # This is an XML file. xmlElements: 'vehicles.vehicle' # Create an array from all tags which # are inside the tag # These are text entry boxes in the UI userEntries: # Calculations ------------------------ # these are evaluated top down! calculations: nr_conventional_vehicles: '{conventional_vehicles.vehicles}' conventional_fleetDistance: '{conventional_vehicles.totalDistance} /1000' #nr_stops: '{stops.id}' #kexi_passengerdistance: '{conventional_vehicles.totalPassengerDistanceTraveled} /1000' #kexi_rides: '{kexi_customers.rides}' #kexi_rides_per_vehKM: kexi_rides / conventional_fleetDistance #kexi_waiting_mean: '{kpi.waiting_time_mean}' #kexi_waiting_median: '{kpi.waiting_time_median}' #kexi_p95: '{kpi.waiting_time_95_percentile}' # opHours: the drtVehicles file is an array of elements that each have t_1 and t_0. # This eqn takes the SUM of all t_1 values, subtracts the SUM of all t_0 values, # and divides this by 3600 opHours: '( {drtVehicles.t_1} - {drtVehicles.t_0}) / 3600' # Table rows outputs: #- title: AV Rides # value: {av.number_of_requests} # #css styling # style: {backgroundColor: yellow} - title: Number of conventional vehicles value: nr_conventional_vehicles - title: conventional Fleet Km value: conventional_fleetDistance #- title: Number of served stops # value: nr_stops - title: Operating Hours value: opHours #- title: conventional Passenger Km # value: kexi_passengerdistance #- title: KEXI Rides # value: kexi_rides #- title: KEXI Rides per Veh-KM # value: kexi_rides_per_vehKM # style: {font: red} #- title: Waiting mean [s] # value: kexi_waiting_mean #- title: Waiting median [s] # value: kexi_waiting_median #- title: Waiting p95 [s] # value: kexi_p95