Traffic simulations for transportation planning typically consist of the following modules (Fig. 1):
Since this paper is a status report, not all of the above modules are currently implemented. This paper discusses results obtained with a version of the simulation system that consists of car-only versions of the router, the micro-simulation, and the feedback. These modules will be described in more detail in the preceeding sections. It should be noted that in particular the feedback system is unique in that it explicitely keeps track of many strategies of each individual traveler. Most simulation systems assume either only one strategy per traveler, or they group travelers together according to their characteristics, for example by common destination. Since the activity generation module is currently not used, demand is obtained from traditional origin-destination matrices. This will be further discussed in conjunction with the scenario, in Sec. 3.
Travelers/vehicles need to compute the sequence of links that they are taking through the network. A typical way to obtain such paths is to use a shortest path Dijkstra algorithm. This algorithm uses as input the individual link travel times plus the starting and ending point of a trip, and generates as output the fastest path.
It is relatively straightforward to make the costs (link travel times) time dependent, meaning that the algorithm can include the effect that congestion is time-dependent: Trips starting at one time of the day will encounter different delay patterns than trips starting at another time of the day. Link travel times are fed back from the micro-simulation in 15-min time bins, and the router finds the fastest route based on these 15-min time bins. Apart from relatively small and essential technical details, the implementation of such an algorithm is straightforward (7). It is possible to include public transportation into the routing (8); in our current work, we look at car traffic only.
Our main micro-simulation is the queue simulation (10,9). The intent with this simulation is to keep travelers/vehicles microscopic and to have queue spillback, but apart from this to keep the simulation as simple as possible. This is similar in spirit to traffic simulations based on the smooth particle hydrodynamics approach, such as DYNEMO (11), DYNAMIT (12), or DYNASMART (13).
In the queue simulation, streets are essentially represented as FIFO (first-in first-out) queues, with the additional restrictions that (1) vehicles have to remain for a certain time on the link, corresponding to free speed travel time; and that (2) there is a link storage capacity and once that is exhausted, no more vehicles can enter the link.
A major advantage of the queue simulation, besides its simplicity, is that it can run directly off the data typically available for transportation planning purposes. This is no longer true for more realistic micro-simulations, which need, for example, the number of lanes including pocket and weaving lanes, turn connectivities across intersections, or signal schedules.
As mentioned above, plans (such as routes) and congestion need to be made consistent. This is achieved via a relaxation technique (6,4,5):
In fact, relaxation itself, in Item [7.], is not well defined in a mathematical sense. The intended meaning is that, in the average, a relaxed system should not show any further development or drift. Since the system is stochastic at many levels, the only way in which this could be mathematically achieved is in terms of a steady-state density. If the system were Markovian, then the convergence to a steady-state density would immediately follow; the system is however not Markovian because it can potentially enlarge its phase space at each iteration by finding new routes. Alternatively, one could include all possible routes into the phase space definition. This system would be Markovian, but 50 iterations would be by far too few to explore the phase space, let alone generating a steady state density. Similarly, this enlarged system is ergodic in the sense of Cantarella and Cascetta (17), but that notion is not useful for the relatively small number of iterations that we use. More precisely: Even systems that are formally ergodic can remain in limited regions of the phase space for very long duration, certainly for much longer than for 50 iterations (e.g. 18).
A related issue is the selection of the replanning fraction. A replanning fraction of 10%, as in Item [5.], is a heuristic number that works well in practice. The important limiting considerations are: (i) Adaptation in this system works by travelers finding improved solutions for the current situation. These new solutions will only then work better than previous ones when the system behaves similar from one iteration to the next. This implies that the fraction of the population changing its behavior should not be too large. In fact, for some simpler and deterministic systems one can show that an infinitesimal best reply dynamics leads the system to a Nash Equilibrium (19). One could expect that the situation for our system here is similar, although no formal proof is available. (ii) On the other hand, when the replanning fraction becomes too small, then the relaxation process becomes too slow. For example, with a replanning fraction of 1%, one will need at least 100 iterations until each traveler has obtained a new route once, and that will probably not be enough.
Other methods, in particular the method of successive averages (MSA, see, e.g., Sheffi (20)) could be tried, although MSA has a reputation, justified from a theoretical perspective, to display rather slow convergence. In addition, some translation of MSA to a stochastic process would be necessary. For example, a traveler's potentially mixed strategy should be an average best response against the traffic pattern, and this is not necessarily the same as a best response against the average traffic pattern. It is not immediately clear how to achieve an average best response without a lot of averaging over many iterations (many more than 50).
In practice, however, Rickert (16) has looked at the sum of all travel times as an indicator for relaxation, and has found that a system which was similar to ours did not display any further drift after about 25 iterations. This observation was confirmed by visual inspection of the traffic patterns. Bottom (6) has done a much more exhaustive investigation into the same topic, with a similar result.
Note that all the above arguments imply that routes are fixed during the traffic simulation and can only be changed between iterations. Work is under way to improve this situation, i.e.allow online re-planning (21). - Further investigation of relaxation and learning issues is planned.