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A pedestrian simulation for very large scale applications

Christian Gloor$^a$, Duncan Cavens$^b$, Eckart Lange$^b$, Kai Nagel$^a$, Willy Schmid$^b$
$^a$ Institute for Computational Science
ETH Zürich Zentrum, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland.
$^b$ Institute for Spatial and Landscape Planning
ETH Zürich Hönggerberg, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland.


Dieser Text stellt das Projekt ``Planning with Virtual Alpine Landscapes and Autonomous Agents'' (ALPSIM www page, accessed 2003) vor, welches vom Programm ``Habitats and Landscapes of the Alps'' des Schweizer Nationalfond finanziert wird. Das Projekt untersucht, inwieweit es möglich ist, Multiagentensimulationen einzusetzen, um landschaftliche Veränderungen in Touristengegenden in den Schweizer Alpen zu untersuchen. Das Projekt verwendet simulierte Agenten, welche die Landschaft ``sehen'' und entsprechend auf Veränderungen reagieren. Dieser Text beschreibt die allgemeinen Projektziele sowie Aspekte der Computerimplementation.

This paper introduces the project ``Planning with Virtual Alpine Landscapes and Autonomous Agents'' (ALPSIM www page, accessed 2003), which is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation program ``Habitats and Landscapes of the Alps.'' The project explores the feasibility of using autonomous agent modeling to evaluate future scenarios in a tourist landscape in the Swiss Alps. The project uses simulated people (agents) who ``see'' the landscape as surrogates for real people, in order to test their reactions against the simulated scenarios. This paper describes the overall project goals and the computational approach used to attain them.

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