The modules which are important for this study are the traffic micro-simulation, the route generator (``router''), and the feedback mechanism, which controls the interaction between the micro-simulation and the router.
As a traffic micro-simulation we use an improved version of a so-called ``queue simulation'' (43). The improvements are an implementation on parallel computers, and an improved intersection dynamics, which ensures a fair sharing of the intersection capacity among incoming traffic streams (26). The details of the traffic simulation are not particularly important for this paper; we expect many traffic simulations to reproduce similar results. The important features of our simulation are:
The router we have used for the present study is based on Dijkstra's shortest-path algorithm, but ``shortness'' is measured by the time it takes an agent to travel down a link (road segment) in the network. These times depend on how congested the links are, and so they change throughout the day. This is implemented in the following way: The way a Dijkstra algorithm searches a shortest path can be interpreted as expanding, from the starting point of the trip, a network-oriented version of a wave front. In order to make the algorithm time-dependent, the speed of this wave front along a link is made to depend on when this wave front enters the link (e.g. (44)).
That is, for each link we need a function
which returns
the link ``cost'' (
link travel time) for a vehicle entering at
. This information is taken from a run of the traffic
simulation. In order to make the look-up of
reasonably fast,
we aggregate over 15-min bins, during which the cost function is kept
constant. That is, all vehicles entering a link
between and 9:15am will contribute to the average link travel time
during that time period.
Finally, we need the feedback mechanism to couple the router and the traffic simulation. Initially, we feed the traffic simulation with plans based only on free speed travel times. Every time a traffic simulation run completes, the router uses the simulation output to update the travel-time (cost of utilization) associated with each link in the network. After the router updates its view of the network, it generates new plans for a subset (typically a randomly selected 10%) of the drivers, and the entire updated and merged plan-set is fed back into the micro-simulation for another run. We repeat this process as many times as necessary (about 50) until the system ``relaxes''. Relaxation is as of now not measured by a quantitative criterion, but via judging visualizer output. This will eventually change.
Figures 1(a) and 1(b) illustrate the improvement in the system due to this iterative scheme. Each figure shows a snapshot of vehicle positions in the Gotthard scenario, described in Sec. 5. Figure 1(a) shows a snapshot during the initial (0th) iteration, three hours after the simulation started. Congestion is not known in this iteration, so each traveler assumes free speed travel times, and chooses a route as if it is the only driver in the network. They all choose the freeways, and do not explore alternative routes. Figure 1(b) shows the same situation, but 49 iterations later. Here, the drivers have taken into account the congestion caused by other vehicles on the roadways, so they use many more routes.
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