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Nächste Seite: CELLULAR AUTOMATA MODELS Aufwärts: bkdn Vorherige Seite: THE SIMULATIONS


In this section, a criterion is established that distinguishes homogeneous from coexistence states. As pointed out before, coexistence states, for example at and $\rho =0.3$ in our model, see Figs. 1(c) (ii) and 2(a), are characterized by the coexistence of laminar and jammed traffic. Deep inside the coexistence regime, one would expect that the phases coagulate, leading to one large laminar and one large jammed section in the system. As one has seen in Fig. 2(a) for , this is essentially correct, except that small additional mini-jams always lead to the detection of a small number of additional jams. When approaching the boundaries of the coexistence regime, this characterization will become less clear-cut, and it may be possible to have more than one jam. Typically, there will be one major jam and many small ones, and for many measurement criteria this will cause enough problems to no longer be able to differentiate between the coexistence and a homogeneous state. This is particularly true for criteria that attempt a binary classification into homogeneous or not. In contrast, our criterion will show a gradual decrease in differentiating power.

The criterion is defined as follows: Partition the road into segments of length for simplicity let Lremainder). For each segment the local density _be computed as the number of cars in that segment divided by . An interesting value is the variance of the local density:


where is the expected value, which in our case is the same as the systemwide density. Note that since the density lies within , the variance cannot exceed .

What this value picks up is how much each individual measurement segment of length $\ell$ deviates, in terms of its density, from the average density. Assume a system consisting of jammed and laminar traffic. If there is a jam in one segment, then the segment's density will be much higher than the average density. Conversely, if there is only laminar traffic in a segment, then the segment's density will be much lower than the average density. takes the average over the square of these deviations.

Fig. 2(b) shows this value as a function of the global density $\rho$ and the noise parameter . Each gridpoint is the result of a computer simulation. The simulations run until the average number of jams over the last 100'000 time steps is (almost) equal for a system started with a big jam and a system started with laminar flow (see Section 3.4). Over these last times the variance of the local density is averaged.

Look at Fig. 2(b) for fixed , say . One sees that at densities up to , the value of is close to zero, indicating a homogeneous state, which is in this case the laminar state. Similarly, for densities higher than , is again close to zero, indicating a homogeneous state, which is in this case the jammed state. In between, for , the value of is significantly larger than zero, indicating a coexistence state.

Now slowly increase . We see that the laminar regime ends at smaller and smaller densities, while the jammed regime starts at smaller and smaller densities (see Fig. 2(b) bottom). The latter means that for large , the jammed phase has many relatively small holes, which reduce the density, but do not break the jam. At , the coexistence phase completely goes away; for larger , we do not pick up any inhomogeneity at any density (look at the bottom plot in order to get information about behavior not visible in the 3d plot). Compare this to the theoretical expectation in Fig. 1(b), where for increasing $T$ the two densities eventually merge and thus the different phases go away. Note that close to the transition the system still looks like it possesses different phases (see Fig. 1(c)(iv) and locate the corresponding and in Fig. 2(b)). These structures do however exist on small scales only. This means that for system size and measurement interval (but ), all intervals of size $\ell$ will eventually return the same density value. A segment length of , as used for Fig. 2(b), is already sufficient in order to not measure any inhomogeneity for the state in Fig. 1(c)(iv). This will not be the case for coexistence states: In coexistence state, there will always be segments with different densities, unless . This is because droplets will coagulate so that they will eventually show up on all possible length scales $\ell$.

Remember again that is a model parameter while $\rho$ is a traffic observable. That is, once one has settled for an , the model behavior is fixed, and one has decided if one can encounter a second phase or not. If one can encounter a second phase, it will come into existence through changing traffic demand throughout the day - traffic can move from the laminar into the coexistence and potentially into the jammed state and back.

As a side remark, let us note that there is also another 1-phase regime for . Albeit potentially interesting, this is outside the scope of this paper.

In summary, one obtains, for the traffic model, a phase diagram as in Fig. 1(b), which is the schematic phase diagram for a gas-liquid transition in fluids. Again, the important feature of this phase diagram is that there are three states for low temperatures (small $T$ or small): gas/laminar; coexistence; liquid/jammed. For higher temperatures, the coexistence range becomes more and more narrow, while the density of the gas phase and the density of the liquid phase in the coexistence state approach each other. Eventually, these densities become equal, and the coexistence state dies out. The only important difference is that for our traffic model the phase diagram is bent to the left with increasing .

There are other criteria which can be used to understand these types of phase transitions. In particular, one can look at the gap distribution between jams, and one would expect a fractal structure at the point where the 2-phase and the 1-phase model meet, i.e. and . This is indeed the case but goes beyond the scope of this paper; see (30) for further information.

Abbildung 2: (a) Time evolution of the number of jams. All four curves are for 1000 cars and $\rho =0.3$. Each curve is an average over at least 80 realizations, each with a different random seed. (b) 3d-plot and isolines of the density variance in the Krauss model. The outermost isoline is , the innermost . and (c) 3d-plot and isolines of the density variance in the cellular automata model with velocity dependent randomization. The outermost isoline is , the innermost . and

[width=]gz/KraussDensVar.eps [width=]gz/KraussDensVarCont.eps
[width=]gz/S2SDensVar.eps [width=]gz/S2SDensVarCont.eps

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Nächste Seite: CELLULAR AUTOMATA MODELS Aufwärts: bkdn Vorherige Seite: THE SIMULATIONS
Kai Nagel 2002-11-16