The modelling approach with respect to economics in this paper is admittedly simplistic. Some obvious and necessary improvements concern credit and bankruptcy (i.e. rules for companies to operate with a negative amount of cash). Instead of those, we want to discuss some issues here that are closer to this paper. These issues are concerned with time, space, and communication.
In this paper, in order to reach a clean model with possible analytic
solutions, we have described the models in a language which is rather
unnatural with respect to economics. For example, instead of ``one
company per time step'' which changes prices one would use rates (for
example a probability of for each company to change prices in
a given time step). However, in the limiting case of
at most one and usually zero companies change prices in a given time
step. If one also assumes that consumers adaptation is fast enough so
that it is always completed before the next price change occurs, then
this will result in the same dynamics as our model. Thus, our model
is not ``different'' from reality, but it is a limiting case for the
limit of fast customer adaptation and slow company adaptation. Our
approach is to understand these limiting cases first before we move to
the more general cases.
Similar comments refer to the utilization of space. We have already
seen that moving from a spatial to a non-spatial model is rather
straightforward. There is an even more systematic way to make this
transition, which is the increase of the dimensions. In two
dimensions on a square grid, every agent has four nearest neighbors.
In three dimensions, there are six nearest neighbors. In general, if
is the dimension, there are
nearest neighbors. If we leave
the number
of agents constant and keep periodic boundary
conditions (
-dimensional torus), then at
everybody is a
nearest neighbor of everybody. Thus, a non-spatial model is the
limiting case of a spatial model.
These concepts can be generalized beyond grids and nearest neighbors
- the only two ingredients one needs is that (i) the probability to
interact with someone else decreases fast enough with distance, and
that (ii) if one doubles distance from to
, then the number of
interactions up to
times the number of interactions up
to distance
This should also make clear that space can be seen in a generalized way if one replaces distance by generalized cost. For example, how many more people can you call for ``20 cents a minute or less'' than for ``10 cents a minute or less''? If the answer to this is ``two times as many'', then for the purposes of this discussion you live in a one-dimensional world.
Given this, it is important to note that we have used space only for the communication structure, i.e. the way consumers aquire information (by asking neighbors). This is a rather weak influence of space, as opposed to, for example, transportation costs[1]; it however also assumes a not very sophisticated information structure, as for example in contrast to today's internet. The details of this need to be left to future work.
Last, one needs to consider which part of the economy one wants to model. For example, a stockmarket is a centralized institution, and space plays a weak role at best. In contrast, we had the retail market in mind when we developed the models of this paper. In fact, we implicitely assume perishable goods, since agents have no memory of what they bought and consumed the day before. Also, we assume that consumers spend little effort in selecting the ``right'' place to shop, which excludes major personal investments such as cars or furniture. Also note that our companies have no fixed costs, which implies that there are no capital investments, which excludes for example most manufacturing.