During the last decades, simulation has joined theory and experiment as a third method of scientific inquiry. In simulation a virtual version of the real world is reconstructed inside the computer, and scientific and engineering questions can then be addressed to that computational model. Simulation is a particularly appropriate method when analytical theory alone has little predictive power, when controlled experiments are costly or impossible, or when extracting measurement data from the real system is costly or impossible. All three criteria are fulfilled in transportation science as well as in socio-economic science in general.
In addition, a new method is particularly appropriate for the simulation of socio-economic systems: the method of multi-agent or agent-based simulations. In these methods, all entities of the system are represented as objects which have internal states and follow individual rules. This is particularly appropriate for objects which have a complicated internal structure and which all differ from each other. Again, this is true for transportation science as well as in socio-economic science in general, but it also encompasses engineering objects such as adaptive traffic signals.
The emergence of the agent-based technique would not have been
possible without the emergence of modern computing. Rule-based code
runs efficiently on modern PCs, making the technology widely
available. In addition, agent-based code runs efficiently on modern
parallel supercomputers, while it did not run well on more traditional
vectorizing supercomputers such as Cray. This makes the jump in
computational capabilities even larger than, say, in computational
fluid-dynamics. In consequence, it is now possible to perform
agent-based simulations of large metropolitan areas with or
more travelers.
The last decades have seen considerable progress in making agent-based simulation technology applicable for transportation. Agent-based transportation simulation packages consist of many modules, including the traffic simulation itself, route generation, activity generation, housing choice, land use evolution, freight traffic, but also traffic management strategies. Most if not all groups concentrate on a subset of these modules.
The modules interact, and the interaction goes in both directions: for example, the execution of plans leads to congestion, yet the expectation of congestion influences plans. Any large scale transportation package needs to resolve this logical deadlock in a meaningful way. Reality seems to approach the issue of feedback by a slow system-wide learning process: People pre-plan major pieces of their life (like when and where they work) a long time in advance and normally only re-adjust small pieces of their schedules when needed (1). More precisely, they pre-plan and re-adjust on many time scales, where the time scale is related to the magnitude of the adjustment: workplaces and home locations are re-adjusted on time scales of several years, while the decision to make a detour to buy some ice cream may happen within seconds. In consequence, a simulation system is faced with two challenges:
Throughout this paper we use the term agent to refer to an
entity within the simulation capable of making decision about its
actions (such as the route to take from point to point
Since our simulation does not yet involve land use or other
non-transportation activities, an agent is presently equivalent to a
traveler, a person using the transportation network.
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 gives a general introduction to multi-agent simulations. This is followed (Sec. 3) by an overview of existing methods to solve the dynamic traffic assignment problem, which is the example problem which was used in our investigations. Section 4 describes the specific modules we are using in this study. Section 5 introduces the traffic scenarios we are applying those modules to. Following that, Sec. 6 describes some results from the day-to-day replanning of our feedback system, which turned out to have some implausible implications. We continue the section by describing some alterations we made to the feedback mechanism to try to resolve the problems, and the results of those changes. Next we present in Sec. 7 the agent database, a completely different and more robust approach to solving the problems encountered in the previous section. This section includes results from the agent database approach. We finish with a discussion and a summary.