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Individualization of knowledge

Classifier System and Agent Database

Knowledge of agents should be private, i.e. each agent should have a different set of knowledge items. For example, people typically only know a relatively small subset of the street network (``mental map''), and they have different knowledge and perception of congestion. This suggests the use of Complex Adaptive Systems methods (e.g. (56)). Here, each agent has a set of strategies from which to choose, and indicators of past performance for these strategies. The agent normally choses a well-performing strategy. From time to time, the agent choses one of the other strategies, to check if its performance is still bad, or replaces a bad strategy by a new one.

This approach divides the problem into three parts (see also (14)):

Individual plans storage

The way we have explained it, each individual needs computational memory to store his/her plan or plans. The memory requirements for this are of the order of $O(N_{people} \times N_{trips} \times
N_{links} \times N_{options})$, where $N_{people}$ is the number of people in the simulation, $N_{trips}$ is the number of trips a person takes per day, $N_{links}$ is the average number of links between starting point and destination, and $N_{options}$ is the number of options remembered per agent. For example, for a 24-hour simulation of all traffic in Switzerland, we have $N_{people} \sim
7.5~\hbox{mio}$, $N_{trips} \sim 3$, $N_{links} \sim 50$, and $N_{options} \sim 5$, which results in

7.5 \cdot 10^6~\hbox{persons} ~\times~ 3~\hbox{trips per person}
~\times~ 50~\hbox{links per trip}
\end{displaymath} (31.2)

\times~ 5~\hbox{options}
\times~ 4~\hbox{bytes per link} ~=~ 22.5~\hbox{GByte}
\end{displaymath} (31.3)

of storage if we use 4-byte words for storage of integer numbers. Let us call this agent-oriented plans storage.

Since this is a large storage requirement, many approaches do not store plans in this way. They store instead the shortest path for each origin-destination combination. This becomes affordable since one can organize this information in trees anchored at each possible destination. Each intersections has a ``signpost'' which gives, for each destination, the right direction; a plan is thus given by knowing the destination and following the ``signs'' at each intersection. The memory requirements for this are of the order of $O(N_{nodes} \times
N_{destinations} \times N_{options})$, where $N_{nodes}$ is the number of nodes of our network, and $N_{destinations}$ is the number of possible destinations. $N_{options}$ is again the number of options, but note that these are options per destination, so different agents traveling to the same destination cannot have more than $N_{options}$ different options between them.

Traditionally, transportation simulations use of the order of 1000 destination zones, and networks with of the order of 10000 nodes, which results in a memory requirement of

1\,000~\hbox{destinations} ~\times~ 10\,000~\hbox{nodes}
~...{options per destination} ~\times~ 4~\hbox{bytes per
\end{displaymath} (31.4)

$=~ 200~\hbox{MByte}$, considerable less than above. Let us call this network-oriented plans storage.

The problem with this second approach is that it explodes with more realistic representations. For example, for our simulations we usually replace the traditional destinations zones by the links, i.e. each of typically 30000 links is a possible destination. In addition, we need the information time-dependent. If we assume that we have 15-min time slices, this results in a little less than 100 time slices for a full day. The memory requirements for the second method now become

30\,000~\hbox{links} ~\times~ 10\,000~\hbox{nodes}
~\times~ 100~\hbox{time slices}
\end{displaymath} (31.5)

\times~ 5~\hbox{options} ~\times~ 4~\hbox{bytes per entry} \approx
600~\hbox{GByte} \ ,
\end{displaymath} (31.6)

already more than for the agent-oriented approach. In contrast, for agent-oriented plans storage, time resolution has no effect. The situation becomes worse with high resolution networks (orders of magnitude more links and nodes), which leaves the agent-oriented approach nearly unaffected while the network-oriented approach becomes impossible. As a side remark, we note that in both cases it is possible to compress plans by a factor of at least 30 (21).

Figure 31.2: Individualization of plans and interaction with router artifacts. LEFT: All vehicles are re-planned according to the same information; vehicles do not use the freeway (arrrows) although the freeway is empty. As explained in the text, this happens because the router makes erroneous predictions about where a vehicle will be at what time. RIGHT: Vehicles treat routing results as additional options, that is, they can revert to other (previously used) options. As a result, the side road now empty out before the freeway. - The time is 7pm.

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